Frequently Asked Questions… About me

  • My calm, informed support and extensive experience as a Doula and a mother of three, can truly help you and your family. By choosing me as your Doula, you will have continuous support and guidance during your pregnancy, by your side in labour and delivery and beyond.

  • My approach is focussed on positivity.

    With me as your Doula, you can expect to feel informed, supported and empowered throughout your birth experience.

    Whether you are a first-time mother or have had negative birth experiences in the past, or simply wish to have someone with you, it is normal to feel anxious before giving birth. I aim to provide knowledge and emotional support to help you feel positive, confident, and in control.

    My approach is focussed on positivity and address any misconceptions or fears you may have.

  • With my Birth package, I spend time with you during your pregnancy to provide educational and emotional support, helping you understand your options and empowering you to make informed decisions.

    I can attend appointments, get to know you and your family, I help you prepare a birth plan, provide resources, and offer a listening ear.

    During childbirth, I offer continuous support, assisting with comfort measures, suggesting positions, and providing reassurance, liaising with midwives or obstetricians, and helping your partner to support you should this be needed.

  • I offer a range of bespoke postnatal doula, night doula or nanny, breastfeeding and sleep consultant packages.

    See my Support page for further information.

  • In the rare instance that I am not available, an alternative trusted and highly experienced Doula will be personally appointed by Ella and will be made known to you in advance.

  • Yes, I come to your home for our appointments, and postnatally.

  • Merton, Wandsworth, Kingston

    South West London area SW2, SW3, SW4, SW5, SW6 , SW7, SW8, SW9, SW10, SW11, SW12, SW13, SW14, SW15, SW16, SW17, SW18, SW19, SW20

  • Yes, I am more than happy to offer virtual support, information and advice virtually.

Frequently Asked Questions… about my Support

  • If you have my Birth Doula package, I am on 24 hour call from when you are 38 - 42 weeks.

  • Yes, I am available for a variety of birth settings, including home births, hospital births, and birthing centre births.

    I adapt my support to your chosen birth environment and work alongside the healthcare professionals in those settings.

    I provide valuable support and advocacy no matter where you choose to give birth, and can help support you make this decision.

  • Yes, I support all births positively.

  • TBC

  • I provide various comfort measures and techniques to help manage pain during labour where you wish for medicalised pain relief or not, working with you, your birth partner and your medical team.

    I can suggest breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, massage, position changes, and provide continuous physical and emotional support to help you cope positively and calmly with the intensity of labour in line with your preferences.

  • I work collaboratively with medical professionals to create a supportive birth team.

    I do not provide medical care but complement the work of midwives and doctors.

    Doulas respect and value the expertise of medical professionals while advocating for your preferences and ensuring you voice is heard.

    I communicate, share information, and foster a positive working relationship to ensure you experience a positive birth.

  • Yes, I do home visits for the areas I cover, in pregnancy, during labour and birth ( if at home) and postnatally.

  • I am more than happy to offer you support virtually, offering you advice, guidance and support in pregnancy and postnatally.

Frequently Asked Questions… about Doula’s

  • A doula is a trained professional who offers emotional, physical, and informational support to mothers and their birth partners and families before, during, and after childbirth.

    We are not medical professionals but provide continuous non-medical support.

    Formally qualified, I focus on continuous learning & training to ensure I am kept up to date with the latest methods, advice, NICE guidelines and your hospital policies.

  • Research has shown that having a doula with you in birth can:

    - Shorten the length of labour by 25%

    - Reduce the need for pain relief by 30%

    - Reduce epidural requests by 60%

    - Decrease the need for a caesarean by 50% *

    Doulas provide continuous support, personalised care, and unbiased information, which can help reduce anxiety, increase confidence, and enhance the overall birth and postpartum experience.

    *Sources : Kendall-Tackett, K. A., Elek, L., & Hockenberry, E. (2017). The doula effect: A review of the evidence. Journal of Perinatal Education, 26(1), 3-11.

    Hill, J. E., Chambers, C. R., & Declercq, E. R. (2016). The impact of doulas on birth outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Birth, 43(2), 137-149.

    Sakala, E. M., Corry, M., & Declercq, E. R. (2015). The benefits of doula care for mothers and infants: A systematic review. Birth, 42(1), 6-19.

  • The majority of Midwives are very happy to have the extra support both for hospital and home births.

    I have an excellent working relationship with many of the midwives who have shared birth experiences with my clients.