We always remember how our children came into the world and as a birth doula I wish to give you the confidence to decide what is right for you and your family, supporting you, emotionally and practically, to have a beautiful, empowered and positive birth experience.

The arrival of a new baby is a time filled with so many emotions, from excitement and joy to worry and fear. The early weeks with your newborn are undoubtedly magical, but they can also be challenging and overwhelming. Your body has gone through an enormous change, and your hormones will be shifting as well, the dynamics of home life shift and new skills are learnt by all the family. 

I provide Birth and Postnatal Doula support, Breast Feeding support, and Sleep Consultancy. Learn more about each support package below.

A line illustration of a pregnant mother gently holding her tummy.

Informed. Supported. Empowered. Positive.

Support Packages

  • Tiny newborn baby hand holding their mothers finger.

    Birth Doula

    As your birth doula, my role is to offer you and your family the necessary support for a positive birthing experience.

    I will give you the much-needed continuity of care, access to accurate information and to be a guide along your pregnancy and birthing journey.

    You can engage my support at any point in your pregnancy.

  • Mother and a newborn baby sleeping next to each other on the bed.

    Posnatal Doula

    As a postnatal doula, my goal is to provide you with the information and support you need to feel confident and empowered and make the most of these precious moments.

    Focussing on supporting parents, this leaves you to enjoy focussing your attention on your new baby.

    You can access my postnatal support at any point after your baby's birth

  • a baby breast feeding.

    Breast Feeding

    Breastfeeding can we a wonderful experience for any women who chooses to feed their baby that way. For some women it can be a challenging experience.

    As a breastfeeding support worker, I work with the mother and baby to achieve a positive and happy experience.

  • Sleeping new born baby.

    Sleep Training

    There are so many possibilities when it comes to sleep or the lack of it and I am here to help guide you gently to find a solution.

Frequently Asked Questions… about my Support

  • If you have my Birth Doula package, I am on 24 hour call from when you are 38 - 42 weeks.

  • Yes, I am available for a variety of birth settings, including home births, hospital births, and birthing centre births.

    I adapt my support to your chosen birth environment and work alongside the healthcare professionals in those settings.

    I provide valuable support and advocacy no matter where you choose to give birth, and can help support you make this decision.

  • Yes, I support all births positively.

  • TBC

  • I provide various comfort measures and techniques to help manage pain during labour where you wish for medicalised pain relief or not, working with you, your birth partner and your medical team.

    I can suggest breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, massage, position changes, and provide continuous physical and emotional support to help you cope positively and calmly with the intensity of labour in line with your preferences.

  • I work collaboratively with medical professionals to create a supportive birth team.

    I do not provide medical care but complement the work of midwives and doctors.

    Doulas respect and value the expertise of medical professionals while advocating for your preferences and ensuring you voice is heard.

    I communicate, share information, and foster a positive working relationship to ensure you experience a positive birth.

  • Yes, I do home visits for the areas I cover, in pregnancy, during labour and birth ( if at home) and postnatally.

  • I am more than happy to offer you support virtually, offering you advice, guidance and support in pregnancy and postnatally.